The Pharisees came frequently to Jesus with the wrong motivation, which was to test Jesus and find fault with Him. The real reason that they came before Jesus and asked for sign was to test Jesus. This is similar to how they once brought a man with a shriveled hand to Jesus and wanted to see if Jesus would heal him. If Jesus healed that person, he would have offended the laws of Sabbath, but if Jesus would not heal that person, then Jesus' message of love and compassion would be discredited. Wasn't that a tricky test?
The hearts of men are deceitful. The Lord knew the hearts of the Pharisees, that's why He said, "Why does this generation ask for a sign? But none will be given except the sign of Jonah." The Lord asked the Pharisees that "you know how to distinguish the weather, don't you know how to distinguish the needs of this generation?" Indeed, we can distinguish and understand many nuances in the natural realm in this technological advanced era. I was a student of meteorology, and during winter times there are snow forecast competitions in the east coast. The difference between raining and snowing are trivial, hence making it very difficult to forecast accurately. Some people are very good at this and are always accurate, that there will be no snow when they forecast rain, and vice versa. We can even land on the moon or investigate the Mars, but still we could be very ignorant about spiritual things.
Many don't realize that there is an emptiness in our own spirit, and at the same time we don't understand that Jesus is the answer of life. What are your desires today? What are the things that you are good at - Stock markets, computers, or personal spiritual condition? The Lord said that no sign will be given to this generation, because this generation is a generation of unbelief. And unbelief comes from a lack of understanding about spiritual things. May the Lord help us not to be ignorant of spiritual matters. May the Lord give us a sensitive heart to understand His work, so that we can follow His will and walk in His way in our daily life.
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