Jesus and His disciples seemed to be on two different subjects; disciples were worried about their physical needs, while Jesus was teaching them about the spiritual meaning. This time the disciples forgot to take bread and were having some discussion among themselves. They probably accused one another being responsible for having no bread, or they probably tried to catch some fish. In the midst of their discussions, out of nowhere Jesus said "Be careful. Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
What is yeast? Yeast is a fungus for fermentation. As long as there is yeast in flour, fermentation will happen. Yeast can have both good and bad implication. Good implication refers that the kingdom of God is like yeast in flour, meaning that it will spread. Bad implication refers to the traditions and laws of the Pharisees. The Pharisees do not believe in Jesus and hold on to their own traditions. This spirit of unbelief will spread. The spirit of the Pharisees causes people to live by sight, not by faith. But the will of God is the opposite. The Lord wants us to live by faith, not by sight. Therefore, the Lord is reminding the disciples to be on guard against the spirit of unbelief.
The Lord reminded them: why argue because of no bread? Have you forgotten I have used five loaves to feed five thousands and seven loaves to feed four thousands? And not only there were enough to feed the people, but there were leftovers! It is difficult to imagine that the disciple would argue because of no bread after witnessing all these miracles. But in reality, it is human nature to be weak.
Regardless how many miracles we have experienced, we always face new challenges and obstacles. We need new faith and new strength as we face new challenge. May the Lord help us not to be like the Pharisees, who do nothing but hold on to traditions. May the spirit of God help us to keep moving forward in faith, for the Lord is with us and will add strength to us. Let us trust the Lord!
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