Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Hebrews 9:5-7


Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now. When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.


There is an atonement cover in the Most Holy Place, which is used for atonement of our sins. Why do we need God's atonement when we come before Him? It's because we are sinful and God is holy and righteous. When we have sin inside, we are overruled by the sense of guilt, which makes us afraid of coming before God. When I was little, once time I failed an exam, and that way on my way home I was so filled with fear that it took me two hours to walk the distance that usually took ten minutes. I wandered in front of our house because I was afraid that my parent would scold me harshly after they saw my grade.


In the same way, we are afraid of coming before God because we are sinful. Why can God bring us atonement? Bible says clearly that sin must be redeemed with blood, so in order for our sins to be forgiven, we - the unrighteous ones - need to be replaced by the righteous one. We were deemed as unrighteous before god, but when something replaces us, we can be regarded as righteous before God. Back in the Old Testament time, it was done through blood from sacrifice of killed cow or lamb, but how can blood from animals truly redeem for our sins? It was only a sign for the salvation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the New Testament time, the Bible says that the blood of Jesus washed away all our sins; it not only cleansed us, but it covered all our sins. When we come before the Lord, we are viewed as righteous before Father God and in the eyes of God. Jesus has replaced our unrighteousness with His righteousness, so that we may be viewed as righteous before God. This is the truth of justification by faith.


When we come before God by faith and claim to be righteous, Hebrew 4:16 says that we can come before God without fear and we can receive God's help and strength any time.   This is such a wonderful grace, and we shall give thanks to God for it. So let's come before God and pray to Him without any fear now!


Pray with Pastor Tong Liu     


Lord, we thank you because in you we have abundant grace. If there's any fear in the hearts of brothers and sisters that make them afraid to coming before you, I rebuke all their fear in the victorious name of Jesus! Let our hearts be freed from any fear, so that we may enter your glorious abundance and enjoy your grace. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!




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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Hebrews 9:1-4


Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand and the table with its consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place.  Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.


The tabernacle in the Old Testament time had two parts - The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The Holy Place had lampstand and consecrated bread, and the Most Holy Place had a golden altar of incense and God's ark of the covenant. The items in the tabernacle had different significance. First, the consecrated bread represents redemption by the Lord. When Jesus Christ established the Holy Communion, He used his own body as an analogy. His body was the bread, and He died on the cross for us as if His body was broken apart for us. When the bread was torn apart, it was broken for us, which symbolizes how our relationship with God is restored. This is the grace of the Lord, the great work of redemption that the Lord accomplished for us on the cross.


Next, the lampstand represents the presence of God. The authority of darkness has overshadowed our hearts, particularly in our time. Nevertheless, if a lamp is lit up in the darkness, its light will cast out darkness. This is a simple principle - God is the true light, and when God enters this world of darkness, the authority of darkness is cast out.   The church is not just a place where people congregate or has lots of activities, but it really needs God's presence. Today, the church often focuses on the activities that attract people to come, but what will actually attract people is the presence of God. The world has plenty of activities that are attractive, so how is the church different from them? Isn't it the presence of God? When people enter the tabernacle of God, they will see God's presence, fall down before God and acknowledge that God is among us. The lampstand represents how God's presence will manifest among us.


Third, the golden altar of incense represents our prayer before God. Tabernacle is the place where God and people meet. Not only will people speak to God, God will also speak to people. Every single prayer that we make before God is heard by Him, and God's grace can come upon us through prayer. Therefore, we can indeed come before God without any fear. The most precious thing in the New Testament era is that the tabernacle is already inside us - We don't need to go very far, but we can just come to God's tabernacle every day to meet the true God who lives inside us and receive grace from Him.   That is so precious to know!

Pray with Pastor Tong Liu     


Lord, I thank you because we have such abundant grace in the New Testament era, but your grace can directly enter our lives. Please help us to not still live in the Old Testament era, but to move on to the New Testament era, so that we can enjoy your redemption, your presence, and your grace that comes upon us through our prayer. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!




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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054

Monday, October 29, 2012

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Hebrews 8:11-13


No longer will they teach their neighbor,  or say to one another, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.


The Lord wants to give us a new heart and new spiritual. Old Testament laid out the commandments on the outside, but the New Testament is the new heart and spirit inside us. New heart is a heart of completeness, and a heart of softness that is prepared for God's Kingdom. Our hearts used to be hearts of stone and the rules of law were written on the stone. Can you imagine having a stone hitting stone? Nothing would come out except for sparks. The new heart created by God, however, is soft, and His laws can be placed inside it. That's why the Lord said "they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest." God's word has been placed deep inside our hearts, thus Book of Jeremiah says that God will place the law inside people and right on their hearts so that they will have the will and thoughts of God. No matter what the circumstance is, they will know the best thing to do and what not to do. Hallelujah!


This is our hope in the New Testament era. If we are judged according to our own effort, even the holiest characters in the Bible would not pass by obeying the law alone. God asks us to obey His commandments, but we will say "I can't help it, I'm too weak, and you know I've tried!" Lord says: "I didn't ask you to try! I will put my spirit inside you so that you can obey and follow my rules." That's the spirit of the New Testament! Some think that Old Testament and New Testament are two separate books, but actually Old Testament is the letters and New Testament is the Holy Spirit and life. We have new life and new spirit inside us so that we can follow His commandments and rules.


Ne w Testament is the life revealed from the Holy Spirit. Even though we are living in the New Testament time, some are still living in the Old Testament time inside. It's like in a developing country, before people had tap water they had to dig wells to get water; once they have tap water, they no longer need to dig wells by their own strength. Many of us already have access to tap water, but they still live the life digging wells, and that depicts how many believers are living today. May God have mercy on us, since we have already been released from the bondage of Old Testament laws and are no longer dominated by it, we can enter the abundance and deliverance of the New Testament today. Let us always live out the new heart and new spirit that God has given us!


Pray with Pastor Tong Liu

Lord, I thank you because you have already led us from Old Testament time to New Testament time. Let us no longer rely on our own efforts, but rather help us to live out your life. May God's spirit help us, give us a soft heart so that we'd be willing to live by the Holy Spirit, obey your guidance, and live out the life of Jesus Christ. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!







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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Hebrews 8:10


This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.


 The major difference between old and new covenants, which are the old and new covenants that God made with us, is that old covenants are commandments from the outside, while new covenants are inspirations from within.  The commandments on the tablet said clearly: Thou should not commit adultery.  Thou should not steal.  Thou should not bear false witness. Remember the Sabbath day.  Honor your father and mother...  When we try to follow, we found they are too difficult.  Later we try again.  Maybe it will be easier.  But results are always the same.  Ten Commandments of the Old Testament are carved on the solid and stoic stone tablet.  However, the New Testament is lively, flowing from our hearts incessantly.  This is the river of life told by Jesus Christ.

  Many parents have told me that their young daughter never did chores at home until one day, when she invited a boy to visit.  She got up early and started cleaning every nook and cranny of the house.  She wiped clean every piece of furniture.  This motivation from within was love.  She worked briskly, not feeling tired at all.  She had the urge to clean everything.  This is the kind of service that is please to God.  If all you do is merely to follow laws, then it will destroy your relationship with God.  In the time of Old Testament, people followed laws because they had to.  In the time of New Testament, because the power of love within, following God's words is natural.  The process of following God's words is both easy, and full of grace.  The actions of law often results in destroying mutual relationships.  When we do because of our love within, we can revive out relationship with God.

   In New Testament God didn't gave us new commandments, but answers to our spiritual yearnings.  When we cried out:" God, may you purify my heart, so that I have upright spirit again", God answered: "Yes".  He gave us new hearts, instilled His spirits on us once again.  We don't have to rely on our power to follow Him. We have brand new motivations.  We have upright spirit in front of us.  When we follow the lead of God's spirit, He will lead us into the land of abundance.

      Once you understand the preciousness of the New Testament, you won't want to live in a binding of Old Testament laws.  You want to enter into a relationship of love with Jesus Christ.  Let it be your daily power of life.  If you haven't feel this kind of power, turn back to God.  Pray that His spirit fill you again, flowing and working inside of you.  Let the love of Christ call you out again, so that you return to God completely.

Pray with Pastor Tong Liu     


Lord, we pray that you put your loving touch in us.  If we were bitter in the past following Your laws, we pray that You change our steps, that we come into a relationship of love with You, and that we live a life that is pleasing to You. Prayer and thanks in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!






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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Hebrews 8:6-9

But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises. For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with the people and said: "The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord.   


Here it mentioned that there were blemishes in the first covenant.  Why were there blemishes in the first covenant?  It was because God's people had not constantly obeyed God's covenant.  Israelites in the Old Testament often went astray from God's path.  In Exodus, they even used God's given grace to build a golden calf as a substitute of God. Israelites were slaves in Egypt, and they had nothing.  When God delivered them from the land of Egypt, miracles happened.  Egyptians were eager to see Israelites leave, even gave Israelites articles of gold and silver.  When Israelites were leaving Egypt, they were leaving singing "Hallelujah, praise the God".  They were full of God's grace, full of God's riches.  However, when they were in the desert,  Israelites used gold and silver that were given to them by God to build a gold calf to worship, saying that this was the true God who had lead them out of Egypt.  What a disappointment!  God gave them all kind graces, and yet they used God's grace to substitute Him.       


 How is our situation today?  We see all kinds of God's grace.  But often we use grace to substitute God in our hearts.  Maybe we have yet build a golden calf to worship.  But we have many idols in our hearts.  We can't follow God completely.  May God have mercy on us.  May we come into the age of the New Testament.  May He cleanse our hearts so that they are completely given to God again.     


Although the first covenant had flaws, It doesn't mean God had forsaken His people.  As much as Israelites were disobedient, God still guided them forward Himself.  He would never give up.  God is a shepherd.  He knows how to nurse, to cuddle a lamb.  Lambs are easily astray, easily frightened.  Although we are as stubborn as a flock of lambs, God made Jesus bore our sins.  He nurses and cuddles us everyday.  Truly we should gave thanks to His everlasting and graceful love.  Let us come to God to look upon Him alone, to lean on Him.  If God was merciful even when the first covenant had flaws, won't His grace be even more abundant in the era of New Testament?


Pray with Pastor Tong Liu     


Lord, thank you.  We see how abundant, how great your grace is upon us!  You are a shepherd leading us in our daily life.  May Lord be our strength and help now.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen.





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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054

Friday, October 26, 2012

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳
Hebrew 8:3-5

Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already men who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain."

When God asked Moses to build the tabernacle in the Old Testament, he clearly told Moses to do "according to the pattern shown you on the mountain".  This is a very important principle.  The second half of Exodus recorded all the things that Moses did to build tabernacle.  You will often read "according to the pattern shown on the mountain".  It is obvious that Moses was a very obedient person.

"According to the pattern shown on mountain" refers to following revelations that God has put in our hearts.  There are two principles: First, those who serve God must come close to Him.  God showed Himself to Moses on the top of the mountain after Moses spent forty days and nights fasting, getting close to God.  Only after that did God showed Moses the pattern of the tabernacle.  You can understand God' will, his revelation in your life only after you have been close to God.  This is especially true in today's world, where our lives are way too busy.  When we come to God, it is like our youths come to their parents.  The only thing they say are: "Hi", "Bye", etc.  God can't talk to us even if He wants.

If one wants to receive revelation from God, one must first settle down, come in front of Him.  3-D pictures were once very popular.  Looking at it haphazardly, one can not discern anything.  Only after one gets close, after fixating on the picture, will one suddenly discover richness inside the picture.  Getting close to God is the same.  We must get close to the picture, fixate on the picture long enough, and then see the richness.  By the same principle, you need to come to God, getting close enough and long enough, and then you will receive revelation and grace.

Second, those who serve God, must obey His revelations.  When God reveals to us what He is and His will, God wants us to obey Him.  A person who serves God should not do things because it please him, but what pleases God.  This is very important.  At churches, we often see many people doing what they want to do, trying everything possible to push their own agendas.  However, they neglect what God wants them to do.  So much so that we do men's work instead of God's work.  We labor for God but seldom experience being used by God.  May God have mercy on us, such that if our service is based on man, let us turn around and come to Him, let us do "according to the pattern shown on the mountain".


Pray with Pastor Tong Liu     


Lord, we thank you.  You reminded us again that we should build "according to the pattern shown on the mountain".  May God help us getting close to Him in our daily lives, relying on Him, and obey Him.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!





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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Rd. | Santa Clara | CA | 95054